
Boot Camp

A Boot Camp with meta | five is an intensive training in which the participants are broadening their behaviour repertoire through the practice of challenging situations of interaction in small groups. The key components are:

  • Concretization of individual learning fields
  • Common Preparation of role-plays
  • Simulation of challenging situations in role plays
  • Behavioural feedback from trainer and learning group
  • Video Feedback
  • Individual feedback conversation

A Boot Camp allows each participant to set individual priorities and to tailor the challenges of the training to their own needs. The definition of individual development objectives ensures specific feedback and maximizes the relevance of the learning experience. The joint case solving and mutual observation supports both shared learning, and learning from each other.

The didactic principle is oriented towards the phases "Doing - Shaping - Reflecting":


  • DOING - testing the skills in various realistic situations: planning of approach and interaction with professional role players
  • REFLECTING – Evaluation of self-assessment and assessment by others, discussion of possible solutions and alternatives, learning from others, promoting feedback competence
  • SHAPING – tackling the same task with a different approach, intensive practice and gradual expansion of the behavioral repertoire, sustainable and authentic approaching of development objectives

Especially target groups that have already learned a variety of methods in classical trainings or in their professional life, benefit from the opportunity to try out different situations. To observe others and the possibility to repeat situations enables participants to find their own authentic way. Boot Camps can easily be embedded in systematic development programs as they are diverse and provide a high level of learning transfer, even in virtual Settings.

meta | five offers Best-Practice-modules in German and English for the topics employee meetings, facilitation and moderation of groups, resolving conflicts, presenting, negotiating or first managerial responsibilities. Alternatively, meta | five designs a boot camp that fits perfectly to your target audience and needs.

„Die Deutsche Börse Group hat im Rahmen ihres Förderprogramms für High Potentials zusammen mit meta | five ein zweitägiges Entwicklungsseminar im Sinne eines individualisierten Development Centers mit hohem Übungsanteil konzipiert und realisiert.“

Boot Camp für Nachwuchs­führungskräfte bei der Deutsche Börse Group

„10 Jahre nach seiner Gründung beschloss Loyalty Partner, die Dynamik der Startup-Phase durch systematisierte Personalentwicklung aufrechtzuerhalten.“

Alignment bei der Loyalty Partner GmbH

„10 Jahre nach seiner Gründung beschloss Loyalty Partner, die Dynamik der Startup-Phase durch systematisierte Personalentwicklung aufrechtzuerhalten.“

Alignment bei der Loyalty Partner GmbH