
Virtual AC-Companion

In the course of an advancing digitalization of the corporate world, various processes, such as requirements for the conduct of Assessment Centres, are changing. meta I five offers a virtual companion for ACs, meta | companion®. Via meta I companion you are able to provide every person involved in the AC with an individual personal online account that helps to retrieve information, support the conduct of exercises and view result reports.

On the basis of the well-proven platform meta I tools designed by meta I five, we create a customized company account aligned with the company´s colour scheme. Various Roles within an AC are appropriately pictured via the differentiated roles and rights concept. meta | companion® assists participants and observers with specific functions. We continually update the technology and guarantee to meet the latest standards of IT security and EU-GDPR data protection.

Through an e-mail invitation participants and observers receive their access data for a personal online account. Via this account, meta | companion® offers appropriate virtual assistance for all steps of AC processes reaching from preparation over implementation to follow-ups of the AC.

Existing AC processes do not have to be fundamentally changed but are complemented by virtual support. Using meta | companion® well-proven ACs reach a digital level and become more professional via goal-oriented virtual additions. This also leads to a more modern perception of your company.

„Mithilfe von meta | companion® haben wir unsere Assessment Center reibungslos von der realen in die virtuelle Welt verlegt und können die Unterlagen für Teilnehmer und für Beobachter zeitplangesteuert bereitstellen…“

SIG Combibloc, Head of HR

„Als wir im letzten Jahr unerwartet unsere Leadership Development Center ins Virtuelle übertragen mussten, haben wir gemeinsam mit meta | five ein Format gefunden, dass sowohl die diagnostische Qualität sichert als auch von den Teilnehmenden als angenehm in der Durchführung erlebt wird.“

HR Human Resources Recruiting & Development

„Ein Interview mit der Payback Group."

Aus Präsenz mach Virtuell – Die Implementierung virtueller DCs bei der Payback Groupt