Online Solutions

360° Feedback

A multi-perspective feedback, such as 360° or Leadershipfeedback, helps to systemize and structure feedback on work-related behaviour of a person. The focus person takes a self-assessment and receives feedback from various interaction partners in the working environment, such as superiors, colleagues and direct reports, as well as externals, such as customers and suppliers. By including multiple relevant perspectives the feedback does justice to the role variety of the focus person in daily work routines.

Based on the possibility to compare self-perception and perception by others the feedback survey actively promotes personnel and organizational development: on an individual level perceived strengths and areas for improvement manifest themselves and personal goals of development and corresponding measures can be aligned in a needs-oriented and sustainable way. Furthermore 360° feedbacks support the exchange of mutual perceptions and expectations within the team and generate guidelines for interactions and provide impulses for joint development. Moreover comprehensive analyses provide evidence for superordinate fields of action and measures in the area of departmental and organisational development.

meta | five accompanies and advises according to your needs throughout all phases of the feedback project and aligns the project constantly with specific requirements, goals and environment of your organisation and HR landscape. At the same time our expertise and experiences with various industries and company sizes – nationally and internationally – flows into our consultation:

  • Consideration of customer-specific conditions – maintaining balance between best practice components and individual adjustment
  • Use of custom-fit questionnaires – either by composing relevant questions from our meta I competencies best practice questionnaire or developing custom-specific questionnaires based on competency models, leadership principles or company value
  • Creation and implementation of specific communication concepts – with awareness, that our customers still know best how to address their own employees
  • Technical conduct via our in-house developed online platform meta | 360 that supports planned processes in an custom-fit and flexible way
  • Design of follow-up steps in order to realise the potential of individual and organisational development in a sustainable way

An integral component of feedback projects with meta | five is the in-house developed online platform meta | 360. The modular design together with numerous included features as well as its efficiency is geared towards a holistic process support– regardless of the project’s size or specifications: ranging from individual feedback with meta | five best practice account to self-directed feedback processes (self-start function) up until multinational 360° feedback processes with over thousand participants.

Kundenlogo DLR

„...Die Betreuung durch die meta | five Berater ist sehr vertrauensvoll und wir schätzen sowohl in Beratung, als auch bei Konzeption und Umsetzung ihre Professionalität auf ganzer Linie...“

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V., Personalentwicklung

„....auch die flexible online-basierte Durchführung und das fruchtbare Sparring der Geschäftsführer und der ersten Berichtsebene mit einem Berater im Rahmen der Feedbackgespräche sichern regelmäßig die Akzeptanz wichtiger Stakeholder und damit den Erfolg unserer Bemühungen....“

TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH, Bereich Personal

„ Der Bezirk Oberbayern hat seine Führungskultur zeitgemäß angepasst und weiterentwickelt. Ein Führungskräfte-Feedback hat dafür den Grundstein gelegt.."

Feedback nachhaltig implementiert: „Vom Verwalter zum Gestalter“