
Learning Potential Assessment

The focus of a Learning Potential Assessment is to evaluate the development potential of a person in addition to other core requirements of your organisation.



For that reason, the behaviour of a candidate is observed in realistic simulations of success-critical working-situations, in accordance with the Assessment Center method. At the same time, the two components of the learning potential are considered:

  • Traits and dispositions that foster the willingness to learn, such as openness, motivation or self-reflection, are captured through several modules (e.g. Self-Presentation, Interviews and/or Personality Test) throughout the assessment.
  • The individual learning ability is derived from a comparison of two simulation exercises with comparable challenges, before and after a learning opportunity (e.g. feedback, additional information)

In this way, the Learning Potential Assessment measures the person’s current profile of competencies as well as predicts their potential to evolve. Thus, it enables organisations to take a long-term perspective in their promotion and hiring decisions.

Accordingly, meta | five offers Learning Potential Assessments for two different purposes:

  • As Learning Potential Development Center the tool is used for sustainable personnel development. The participants experience their own learning ability and receive tailored development advice.
  • In the course of placement decisions, the Learning Potential Assessment Center supports organisations to identify applicants with high individual learning potential both efficiently and in short time.

„Hire for attitude train for skills – damit formuliert Jack Welch einen Ansatz in der Personalauswahl, der eine klare Priorität auf die Haltung des Kandidaten und seine Passung zum Unternehmen legt.

Nicht auf die Qualifikation, auf das Lernpotenzial kommt es an

„Hire for attitude train for skills!“ Diese Aussage ist heute so aktuell wie damals und gewinnt im Zuge steigender Anforderungen und sinkender Bewerberzahlen sogar ständig an Bedeutung.“

Lernpotenzial – Assessment Center mit Langfrist-Prognose

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