
Competency model

A competency model illustrates the requirements an organisation has towards its employees. It is usually derived from its strategic objectives and core values ​​and describes the abilities, behaviours, skills, attitudes should bring a person to contribute optimally to the success of the organization.

Competencies which are defined at a behavioural level serve as a central theme for the whole learning and development approach and define development activities, promotion or performance reviews. Thus, the competence model ensures that all these measures "aligned" and are aligned on a common overarching goal. At the same time it supports the organization's members is to align their behaviour to the corporate objectives.

A competency model is deployed to its full advantage, if it is accepted by the organization members and consistently apply in their everyday work. Accordingly meta | five puts particular importance to align the development process of the competencies to the circumstances and needs of your organization and so ensures at an early stage that the subsequent implementation can be successful.

Here the appropriate inclusion of organizational members plays a central role. Depending on the scope and target groups it can be ensured by various methods, such as interviews, (virtual) workshops and online survey tools. In order to provide guidance to the content in this process, the comprehensive dictionary compentency meta | competencies can be a helpful support.

The final form of the model, i.e. for example the degree of differentiation, formulation and presentation always depends on the intended use. In weighing the various options meta | five always advises on the best solution keeping your specific goals in mind.


Benefits for the individual
The transparency of the requirements and development opportunities within the company, enables employees to pursue their own development continuously.

Benefits for the team
Competency models serve the development of teams as they promote a common understanding of the expected behavior.

Benefits for the management
Competency models make it easier for the manager, to continuously and purposefully encourage their employees by giving them specific feedback towards the long-term requirements.

Benefits for the organisation
Through the implementation of key aspects of the vision and strategy the use of competency models fulfills a communication function and therefore contributes to align the achievements of individual employees to a common goal.

„meta | five hat uns bei der Entwicklung unseres gruppenweiten Kompetenz-Modells begleitet und zwar hoch flexibel in allen Funktionen, in denen wir sie gebraucht haben...“

Rhomberg Gruppe, Personal- und Organisations-entwicklung

„meta I five begleitete uns bei der Erarbeitung eines neuen Kompetenzmodells […]. Virtuelle Workshops mit Vertreter*innen unseres Hauses ermöglichten es uns unter der großartigen Moderation von meta I five bereichs-, hierachie- und standortübergreifend zentrale Inhalte zu erarbeiten und abzustimmen...“

Mobil Krankenkasse, Personalmarketing und Talente

„Kurz nach der Gründung von BITMARCK stand die Personalentwicklung vor der Herausforderung ein Angebot zu entwickeln, das den individuellen Bedürfnissen im Unternehmen gerecht wird...“

Organisationsspezifische Kompetenzmodelle bei BITMARCK