Organisational Development
Organisations that want to change sustainably need a strong commitment from their staff. After all, they are the ones that need to change their daily behaviour when, for example, new processes are introduced or the corporate culture is developed.
For meta | five the starting point and the heart of every organisational development is therefore the joint and iterative clarification of the specific target scenario. Here it is important to ensure the shared understanding of all participants and to develop a common conviction that the process will be worthwhile. In this way, the organisation can release the necessary energy to advance its own development in a sustainable and targeted manner.
From a systemic perspective, meta | five supports organisations in designing their development processes according to their specific needs. We see it as our responsibility to ensure constant result orientation as well as procedural flexibility. With many years of experience in various contexts and with different target groups, we work with our clients to analyse their initial situation, identify the most effective levers and derive appropriate interventions.
Throughout this process, we keep an eye on different aspects and their interaction. This means taking into account clearly defined aspects such as structures, processes and strategies as well as more intangible factors such as culture, attitude and cooperation.
For this purpose, different interventions are combined in the procedure. Measures that provide conscious impulses and increase the organisation's attention to the process are coordinated with those that can be integrated into everyday life seamlessly and without great additional effort. The latter works well by slightly adapting existing formats so that the change becomes a direct practice. In the selection and design of possible interventions, meta | five benefits from a wide range of services and corresponding experience with different measures and concepts; from workshop moderation and coaching of key personnel, employee surveys and feedback systems to the development of competency models and the assessment of aptitude or potential for positions critical to success. Thereby, it is fundamental that all interventions are selected with regard to the overall goal and embedded in an integral process.
Reflection opportunities make the organisation aware of their own progress and sharpen needs in the course of the process. The well-directed realisation of quick wins makes it possible to communicate successes early on and to maintain the energy for the further process.
Successful organisational development means for meta | five to achieve visible results as well as to develop the attitude of the organisational members. The right balance of objectively measurable KPIs and qualitative evaluations ensures that progress and goal achievement can be monitored and managed holistically.