Change Management
Change Management is defined as the planned steering of change processes in which it is important to plan, realize, reflect and stabilize the change both on an individual and on a strategic level.
Starting point of meta | five’s change consulting is an analysis of the current status which is followed by a definition of the desired state. Based on that meta | five shapes the change process together with the customer and consults on communication strategies, implementation methods and steps to achieve the objective. To keep the responsibility for changes in the organisation, it is important to meta | five to empower organizations to be able to handle changes independently. This means that organisations will be transformed into learning organisations which have the capability to continuously change and stabilise themselves.
Next to the planning aspect change management considers the emotional conditions and situations through which the involved employees live. Key to sustainable changes is how and to what extend the employees are involved into the change. Resistance to change is inevitable but can be used as a resource for completing the change. We consider resistance as a positive signal because it shows that the employees are looking into it. Resistance can be transformed into energy which at the end could be used to complete the change.
Meta | five accompanies organisations to design, implement and evaluate change processes. Change Management with meta | five follows the systemic approach and hence always includes the frequent and holistic review of the current state of the change. This review supports the sustainable implementation of the change. At the same time meta | five coaches leaders to show appropriate and constructive leadership behavior to lead employees through the change.
Change surveys via the online survey tool Pulse Check provide the opportunity to evaluate the change process at both levels holistically and if needed to readjust the process.
Benefits for individuals
Change Management structures changes in a way which provides scope for individual fears and worries and helps them constructively through the process.
Benefits for the team
The inclusion of teams in change processes promotes the acceptance of the change and hence the sustainability of the change is increasing.
Benefits for the management
Change management support executives and managers of internal change processes to plan the process and to sustainably implement it.
Benefits for the organisation
Companies learn to implement purposeful changes and acquire the skills of learning organisations to respond adequately to coming changes.