
Individual Assessments

An Individual Assessment is a specific version of an Assessment Center for one single candidate. This creates a discrete setting, preventing contact with other participants or potential competitors, maintaining the anonymity of the candidates. Above all, it allows for an optimal alignment of the procedure to individual issues.

In the context of personnel selection, this allows for instance to consider candidate specific questions that have arisen in the course of the application process.

In an Individual Assessment as a tool for personnel development, participants can define own priorities and use the undivided attention of the observers for an intense reflection of their development goals.

In all cases meta | five creates a setting that stimulates the candidates to show their present achievement and development potential.

To allow for a prompt and efficient implementation meta | five provides field-tried tools for different target groups. Based on the specific requirements a customised set of exercises from our extensive best practice pool is assembled and criteria from meta | competencies or the Leadership roles are selected. Of course meta | five readily carries out individual adjustments and aligns the Assessment, for example, to your competency model.

The Individual Assessments are conducted either with or without involvement of internal observers - meta | five gladly advises you which constellation is optimal for your situation. In order to minimize your effort and maximize confidentiality, we gladly offer you the Cologne facilities of meta | five gmbh for the realisation of your assessments on site. We also provide the infrastructure for virtual Assessments on request and brief all those involved in its application.

„...Die routinierte virtuelle Durchführung ermöglicht es uns, standortunabhängig und schnell auf attraktive Bewerbungen zu reagieren und gleichzeitig eine hohe Qualität in der Diagnostik zu erzielen...“

Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA, Human Resources

„...Was für mich die Arbeit mit meta | five ausmacht? Sowohl eine hohe Professionalität und Qualität, als auch Pragmatismus und Flexibilität. Das passt zu unserem eigenen Anspruch..."

Blohm + Voss Shipyards GmbH Personalentwicklung

„...fachlich exzellente und gleichzeitig pragmatische Beratung und Begleitung bei der Auswahl unserer neuen Bereichsleitungsebene. So konnten wir zum einen auf einer belastbaren Basis Auswahlentscheidungen treffen...“

ZUG gGmbH, Personalleitung