Online Solutions

Employee Survey

In meta | five’s understanding employee surveys are more than an established instrument for organisation diagnosis from the inside. If professionally implemented employee surveys support long-lasting corporate success in the sense of a reciprocal active dialogue. Triggered from within the organisation as a structured survey, the dialogue is continued by responses from employees. Strengths and development areas identified this way are reflected to the employees. Finally, this dialogue leads to collective initiation and implementation of change processes in the sense of continual organizational development.



Following the systemic approach, this dialogue comprises also the company-specific selection of survey topics. Such as questions concerning….

  • … the organisation, g. regarding strategy, employer branding and digital readiness
  • …the specific work environment, e.g. regarding perceived agility, cooperation or leadership culture
  • … the employees´ mindsets, g. regarding engagement, customer orientation or willingness to change


On the basis of years of experience in national and international survey projects for companies as well as corporate groups from various sectors, we align our actions using the following key elements:

  • Process transparency- through consistent alignment of the project steps towards the common goal definition and precise communication and information of all people concerned before, during and after the survey implementation.
  • Commitment - through the timely integration of important key figures as well as the user-friendly, implementation via the online platform
  • Sustainability - through the valid measurement of the survey content and the timely reporting of professionally analysed results. Based on this: Derivation, implementation and controlling of target-oriented follow-up and change measures.

The concrete implementation of your survey project is aligned with your core question, objectives and target group: reaching from company-wide full surveys of all employees over implementing repetitive short surveys supporting organizational development processes to continuous evaluation of existing programmes and measures by a closely defined circle of participants.

„Wir haben mit meta I five den optimalen Partner für unsere weltweite Mitarbeiter-Befragung, die Opinion Survey, gefunden...“

ASM Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Director Human Resources

„Die detaillierte Auswertung des Stimmungsbarometers sowie die flexible und schnelle Umsetzung gewünschter Detailauswertungen wurden auf unseren Bedarf hin ausgerichtet […]“

Kabel Deutschland Vertrieb und Service GmbH, Personalentwicklung

„Die detaillierte Auswertung des Stimmungsbarometers sowie die flexible und schnelle Umsetzung gewünschter Detailauswertungen wurden auf unseren Bedarf hin ausgerichtet […]“

Pfeiffer Vacuum Components & Solutions GmbH, Human Resources