
Talent Management

Talent management is becoming more and more of a success factor for organisations the more difficult it is to recruit suitable people on the labour market. It usually pursues two goals: The sustainable retention of employees with special potential, knowledge or skills and the increased filling of success-critical positions with suitable internal employees. For this purpose, a regularly recurring process is implemented to systematically identify and promote certain persons or groups of people in the organisation. In order to be successful, the process is aligned with the goals and specific needs of the organisation and closely interlinked with other processes and instruments in human resources. Accordingly, the responsibility fort he process should lie in HR, while the implementation is done together with the stakeholders in the organisation.



The first step in the talent management process and in every new cycle is to define the target groups. This entails answering the question "How do we define talent?" with a view to the current situation as well as the goals of the organisation. Often the concept of talent is linked to learning potential or the ability to develop. However, it is equally coherent to link it to skills or combinations of skills that are important for the organisation in the mid-term and are particularly difficult to find on the labour market. Competence models and performance requirements are also included in the description of the target persons.

The next step is to find the people in the organisation who meet the defined requirements. Since the definition of a talent is rarely limited to dichotomous, clearly measurable criteria, the identification of talents is linked to an organisational clarification and exchange process, for example in the context of talent conferences. The design of these conferences can contribute significantly to strengthening the line's responsibility for targeted and cross-team personnel development. Thereby, it makes sense to interlink the processes of talent management and succession planning operationally.

The subsequent development of the talents is of course based on their needs and the company's objectives. The possibilities range from on-the-job support through special tasks to holistic development programmes.

Ultimately, the process should result in the optimal assignment of the promoted persons. In order to ensure the fit between talent and target position, established selection processes in the organisation usually take effect. In addition, systematic succession planning can help to assign people and (prospective) vacancies at an early stage.


Benefits for the company
Longerterm the company benefits from the retention of high performers and saces recrutiment costs. At the same time talent management is a key competitive advantage  which can be used for external employer branding.

Benefits for the management
Talent management supports leaders in the development of their employees, by giving them the possibility to discuss career perspectives. This simultaneously promotes the leadership culture, in case managers have an active role in the process.

Benefits for the team
Cross-divisional talent management, for example, in development programs promotes networking between teams. Targeted onboarding of employees as well accelerates the integration into existing teams.

Benefits for the individual
Talent Management provides the individual employee the opportunity for targeted development. Simultaneously, the process opens up career perspectives within the company.

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Talent Management – der Status Quo

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