

Trainings with meta | five support individuals in learning new behaviours by always supporting the development of meta-competencies - both face-to-face and in virtual meetings. Thus they have positive effects on the learning culture in organisations. As a specialist for learning organisations, meta | five always keeps an eye on the individual, the team and the organisation.

A learning offer with meta | five provides the participant with:

  • Relevance through learning content that is tailored to needs and takes into account the latest findings from research and practice. Theoretical input, action, reflection and movement - not only in the mind - alternate. This opens up different approaches to learning.
  • Self-reflection within a secure framework, which makes it possible to recognise strengths and areas of development, to use them in a targeted way and to expand the current repertoire. The reflection of one's own learning behaviour and the (preliminary) answer to the question: how do I learn best?
  • Diversity through methodological flexibility, resource orientation and a set of models and methods from which participants can select, learn and try out the ones that are suitable for them.
  • Fun through an environment in which learning success and feedback create enthusiasm.
  • Transfer through formats that offer a high practical relevance and/or can be used and adapted independently by the participants

The trainers at meta | five see themselves as sparring partners and process helpers. They create an environment that enables and promotes learning. They are always resource-oriented and bring participants into contact with their potential so that they can optimally develop and use it.

Whether in virtual, face-to-face or blended-learning training, we encourage and challenge participants to take responsibility for their own individual learning journeys. We use digital tools and modern teaching didactics for the participants to actively prepare, follow up and reflect on their trainings


„…Die Trainingskonzepte sind auf unsere Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten – sowohl virtuell als auch in Präsenz …“

Deutsche Glasfaser Holding GmbH, HR Development

„…mit kurzen virtuellen Sessions und dezidierten Umsetzungsphasen hat zusätzlich dafür gesorgt, dass […] die Trainingsinhalte Eingang in den Alltag fanden.“

Telelift GmbH, Director Human Resources & Administration

„...Der Vorschlag von meta | five, jeder Hierarchie-Ebene ein spezifisches Angebot zu unterbreiten, hat unserem Vorstand ermöglicht das Thema strategisch zu betrachten..."

BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions, Human Resources